Alternatively, you’re the owner of a struggling lawnscaping company. The wealthiest person in town calls, offering the promise of a big upfront payday for a massive amount of work and then weekly paydays for maintenance. The catch? You and your staff have to prepare elaborate musical numbers to be performed every time you work, and the better you do, the higher the bonus.

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this should be on hgtv

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That Graceland con story was WILD.

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Henry Winkler is a sweetheart!! I saw his interview with the news and the photo he took with the firefighters on dbl and it was the best. I will always remember that great KOTH episode where he calls nature a washing machine for my brain. Love it!

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How in the world do Henry winkler and Tom hanks not get along?


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Extraordinary is one of my favourite shows of the year. It's just so lovely, and so much more emotionally resonant than it has any right to be.

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Do you still do tv reviews??

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