I need Louis Money to insist that it’s pronounced Looey Monè

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Several of those names are definitely porn star aliases. Also, I presume the one is pronounced "June He-ah-TWAH-ve"?

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Rhonda Peppers (femme fatale) and Elmo St. Crouton (wealthy mogul with a secret past) are characters in a noir thriller.

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Loved your Vulture piece about Slow Horses! I will now become the person even more annoying than the person who says, "Actually, I was watching before it became a thing," by saying, "Actually, I was reading it before it became a thing to watch." I picked up the novel Slow Horses about three years ago, and over the next year and half I read every single piece of Mick Herron fiction I could lay my hands on, including not just all eight Slough House novels but also the related novels and collections, and the Oxford novels that eventually kind of lay the groundwork for the Slough House novels. If you love spy and crime novels, you'll want to do the same.

Also, I kind of love that Jackson Lamb is like a version of George Smiley who let himself crawl into a bottle and never come out, and that Gary Oldman has played both of them. And Sid Vicious too. Bravo!

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I wanna start the books soon! This recommendation has solidified that.

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